Take advantage of this new game mat, perfect for organizing your play space and protecting your cards. The Marvel Champions: Hawkeye Game Mat offers a 24” x 12” play area with plenty of room for your identity, upgrades, assets, and deck, while drawing you into the unfolding campaign with art of Hawkeye firing an arrow.
Continue your adventures in the Marvel Universe with The Green Goblin Scenario Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game! This 78-Card pack introduces two new scenarios and four modular encounter sets showcasing the devious Norman Osborn and his sadistic alter-ego, the Green Goblin.
Join the fight for freedom with the Captain America Hero Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game! With his iconic shield made of pure vibranium, Captain America can lead the charge against even the most fearsome of foes, inspiring those around him with legendary valor.
Ms. Marvel is one of the most flexible heroes in the game, able to fit into whatever role is needed while learning to be a hero and protecting her friends from harm!
With 73 brand-new cards, this single scenario puts four villains in play at once, each with their own side scheme and deck. Can your heroes withstand the pure power of Wrecker, Piledriver, Bulldozer, and Thunderball?
Battle evil in style with the Spider-Man Game Mat for Marvel Champions! This 24”x 12 slip-resistant game mat gives you plenty of space for your hero’s deck, identity card, upgrades, supports, and more while showing off beautiful art! The villains don’t stand a chance with the Spider-Man Game Mat at your side!
Battle evil in style with the Black Panther Game Mat for Marvel Champions! This 24”x 12 slip-resistant game mat gives you plenty of space for your hero’s deck, identity card, upgrades, supports, and more while showing off beautiful art! The villains don’t stand a chance with the Black Panther Game Mat at your side!
Battle evil in style with the She-Hulk Game Mat for Marvel Champions! This 24”x 12 slip-resistant game mat gives you plenty of space for your hero’s deck, identity card, upgrades, supports, and more while showing off beautiful art! The villains don’t stand a chance with the She-Hulk Game Mat at your side!
Battle evil in style with the Iron Man Game Mat for Marvel Champions! This 24”x 12 slip-resistant game mat gives you plenty of space for your hero’s deck, identity card, upgrades, supports, and more while showing off beautiful art! The villains don’t stand a chance with the Iron Man Game Mat at your side!
The Rise of Red Skull campaign expansion boasts a massive infusion of new content for your games of Marvel Champions. Hawkeye and Spider-Woman join your roster of heroes with fully pre-built and ready-to-play player decks stuffed with new cards.
This 24x12 slip-resistant game mat gives you plenty of space for your hero’s deck, identity card, upgrades, supports, and more while showing off beautiful art! Show your dedication to freedom and justice with the Captain America Game Mat at your side!
Prepare yourselves, mortal heroes! You have been tested before by the likes of Green Goblin or the Wrecking Crew, and you’ll soon be able to take on Hydra with The Rise of Red Skull campaign expansion. But you have never faced a villain with the futuristic technology, awe-inspiring intellect, and time-altering powers of Kang the Conqueror!
Take your Marvel Champions games outside the bounds of Earth as you battle five new villains in the Galaxy's Most Wanted Campaign Box. Like the first campaign expansion (Rise of the Red Skull), this features two heroes and five villain scenarios playable either as single encounters or as a campaign.
Kolejny złoczyńca pojawia się na horyzoncie. The Hood potajemnie zbiera złoczyńców z różnych odległych zakamarków miasta - udału mu się nawiazać kontakt z Mister Hyde, Sinister Syndicate, a nawet Wrecking Crew! Kto wie kogo jeszcze zdoła wplątać w swoje niecne plany... Bohaterowie muszą go pokonać, zanim Hood stworzy niebezpieczne zbrodnicze imperium.
Marvel Champions: The Mad Titan's Shadow Expansion wprowadza do gry 2 gotowe talie nowych bohaterów (Spectrum i Adama Warlocka) i 5 nowych, ekscytujących scenariuszy: "Ebony Maw", "Proxima Midnight i Corvus Glaive", "Thanos", "Hela" oraz "Loki". Każda z tych przygód wystawi na próbę umiejętności postaci oraz zaoferuje wyjątkowe wyzwania.
Marvel Champions: Sinister Motives Expansion wprowadza do gry kilka postaci związanych ze Spider-Mana. Miles Morales i Ghost-Spider dołączają do walki z kilkoma złoczyńcami w pięciu wymagających scenariuszach: Sandman, Venom, Mysterio, Sinister Six i Venom Goblin.
Marvel Champions: Mutant Genesis Expansion wprowadza do gry kilka postaci związanych z X-Menami. Shadowcat i Colossus w pięciu scenariuszach zmierzą sie z niebezpiecznymi wrogami: Sabertooth, the Sentinels, the Brotherhood of Mutants i oczywiście Magneto!
Mojo jest tchórzliwym kosmitą, który zawsze szuka poklasku. Myśli on wyłącznie o sobie i o tym, jak w każdej sytuacji uratować tylko swoją skórę. I choć niewątpliwie można uznać to za jego wady, to jest jednak coś, co sprawia, że będziesz chciał go mieć po swojej stronie - Mojo nie ma za grosz litości dla uwięzionych przez siebie wojowników.
Here comes X-Force! As the campaign expansion for the seventh wave of content forMarvel Champions: The Card Game, the Marvel Champions: NeXt Evolution Expansioncharges onto the scene with iconic heroes and villains from Marvel’s hotshot team of mutant heroes.
The end of the world has come. After defeating the likes of Magneto, Mister Sinister, and Stryfe, the X-Men and X-Force have returned home expecting some well-deserved rest. Instead, what they found is worse than anything they could have imagined: Professor X is dead, the world is in ruins, and a ruthless tyrant rules over what remains of humanity with an iron fist. Brace yourselves, heroes, for the Age of Apocalypse has arrived!
Cena:184,90 zł
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