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Kyoto no Neko

In Kyoto no Neko, 2 to 4 players are kittens who explore the modern-day city of Kyoto, Japan through a series of independent, replayable scenarios. In each scenario, players must fulfill a variety of missions that represent typical cat activities, from befriending a school boy to fighting an aggressive stray cat, or stealing the food from other player's dinner bowl.
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Galactic Renaissance

Following Inis, Galactic Renaissance is the second installment of the "Political Trilogy" by designer Christian Martinez and publisher Matagot. Throughout Galactic Renaissance, you build your team, adding new specialists — each one unique — to the core in your deck of cards.
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In Prehistory, the players act as prehistoric tribe from the late stone age, trying to best manage the food and resource via various actions. We come across many situations that prehistoric people would have faced. Gathering, fishing, hunting, even creating paintings on your walls, or maybe performing a ceremony to influence the forces of nature.
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Sonar Family

SONAR Family is a submarine battle game in which two teams operate a different submarine. Each player plays a crew member: the Captain or the Radio Operator. The game comes with 4 Double-sided Captain Sheets and 4 Double-sided Radio Operator Sheets. These are maps that are dry erase and are used to track movement and find the opposing team to sink their submarine. The two teams are divided by a screen blocking the view of each team’s maps.
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Kemet: Seth Goodies (Tuck Box + storage bag)

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Barony: Sorcery

Barony: Sorcery, the first expansion to Barony, brings magic to the world, with a sixth action now available to the players that allows them to cast powerful spells. Before they can cast spells, however, they need mana, and only a few places on the board allow them to collect those precious mana points. The battle for control and access to these places will be hard!
Boomerang: Australia

Boomerang: Australia features a unique blend of set collection and card drafting with the approachable feel of a roll-and-write game. Draft locations from across the Australian continent as you collect sets of activities and animal sightings to gain the most points.
Boomerang: Europe

Boomerang: Europe, like its sister games Boomerang: Australia and Boomerang: USA is a "draft-and-write" game. It features a unique blend of set collection and card drafting with the approachable feel of a roll-and-write game. Draft locations from across the European continent as you collect sets of activities and try delicious food to gain the most points.
Boomerang: USA

Boomerang: USA, like its sister games Boomerang: Australia and Boomerang: Europe is a "draft-and-write" game. It features a unique blend of set collection and card drafting with the approachable feel of a roll-and-write game. Draft locations from across the continental US as you collect sets of activities and see amazing sights to gain the most points.
C3K: Creatures Crossover Cyclades/Kemet

Wyślij potężnego Krakena w dół Nilu, aby wzmocnić swoje armie, lub przywołaj Feniksa by wskrzesić swoich poległych wojowników. Stworzenia Egiptu wtargną w Cyklady a potężne mitologiczne monstra Grecji zstąpią na ziemie Kemet. Ten dodatek umożliwia graczom wcielenie kreatur z jednej genialnej gry do drugiej.
Cairn (edycja angielska)

Mieszkańcy lasu i morza, czas się zbudzić! W grze CAIRN wcielisz się w szamanów i będziesz budować megality, żeby zwiększyć swoją moc i zdominować rywalizujące plemię. Aktywuj unikalne moce każdego nowego megalitu, ale uważaj: szamani z przeciwnego plemienia również mogą je aktywować!
Captain Sonar (edycja angielska)

In Captain Sonar, you and your teammates control a state-of-the-art submarine and are trying to locate an enemy submarine in order to blow it out of the water before they can do the same to you. Every role is important, and the confrontation is merciless. Be organized and communicate because a captain is nothing without his crew: the Chief Mate, the Radio Operator, and the Engineer.
Captain Sonar Upgrade 1

Captain Sonar: Upgrade One dodaje nowe elementy do wysoko ocenianej i emocjonującej kooperacyjnej gry Captain Sonar. Dodatek zawiera pięć nowych scenariuszy, dwie nowe bronie, 8 suchościeralnych pisaków i nowe zasady dla kapitana oraz radio-operatora.
Captain Sonar: Foxtrot Map

Bonus map offered as a Promo through European distribution channels (4 laminated Map sheets included) This map is particularly difficult due to the large islands
Captain Sonar: Operation Dragon

Captain Sonar: Operation Dragon, an expansion for Captain Sonar, consists of an "Operation Dragon" campaign as well as a "Custom Pack" toolbox.
Cyclades: Monuments (Monumenty)

Dodatek Cyklady: Monumenty znacząco zmienia myślenie o przebiegu rozgrywki i już od pierwszych chwil sprawia, że staramy się wybierać bóstwa, które umożliwią nam jak najszybsze wybudowanie monumentu. Dzięki niemu zyska na znaczeniu mnogość i głębia strategicznych opcji jakie otworzą się przed twórcami nowych budowli.
Cyklady (Cyclades) - drewniane piony

Zestaw drewnianych pionków do gry Cyklady, zastępujący plastikowe elementy w podstawowej grze. Zestaw zawiera po 18 elementów w pięciu kolorach graczy.
Cyklady (Cyclades) - Hekate Kit

Zestaw minidodatku do gry Cyklady, zawierający kartę Manticore, dwie plastikowe kolumny Hekate, planszę Hekate oraz 6 woreczków.
Cyklady: Hades - Drewniane piony

Zestaw drewnianych znaczników do dodatku Hades do gry Cyklady. Zestaw zawiera 19 elementów w kolorze szarym (8 statków, 8 armii oraz 3 piony) oraz 18 elementów w kolorze purpurowym (8 statków, 8 armii oraz 2 piony).
Cyklady: Tytani - dodatkowa kość

Dodatkowa kość do gry Cyklady w kolorze pasującym do dodatku Tytani.
Cyklady: Tytani - woreczki

Zestaw 4 woreczków do dodatku Tytani do gry Cyklady. Zestaw zawiera 1 woreczek dla szóstej armii, 1 woreczek na artefakty, 1 woreczek na tytanów i jeden na kreatury.
Expedition: Northwest Passage

In Expedition: Northwest Passage, players must venture into these hazardous Arctic waters in order to discover Franklin's fate and succeed where he failed – by finding the Northwest Passage. Players allocate their crewmen in their ship or in their sled to perform various actions such as exploring, moving, or gathering clues on the whereabouts of the Franklin expedition.